Coal is the most polluting of all energy sources, causing a number of debilitating conditions such
as strokes, heart attacks, and chronic lung disease, which translates to additional costs on health
systems and from lost working days, and worse still: shortens people’s lives.
Select a health impact to see how bad the impact of Europe’s coal plants was in your country.
Four of the ten most toxic companies have their main coal plants in Germany: RWE, EPH, Uniper
and Steag. This is because Germany burns more coal than any other country in Europe. Three of the
‘toxic 10’ are in Poland: PGE, ENEA and ZE PAK. The final three are EPS in Serbia, ČEZ in the Czech Republic,
and Bulgarian Energy Holding in Bulgaria.
Select a health impact to see how bad the impact of Europe’s coal companies was in your country.
5,891.9 Premature deaths