Europe Beyond Coal at the Bonn coal & climate march
November 13, 2017 1:30 pmKathrin Gutmann and Bruce Nilles from the campaigns talk in Bonn during the COP23 climate negotiations.
Kathrin Gutmann and Bruce Nilles from the campaigns talk in Bonn during the COP23 climate negotiations.
The Immerather Dom has become a symbol of the lost heritage and community destruction becasuee of the expansion of Germany’s vast Rhineland coal mines.
PGE, one of the biggest polluters in Europe, is constantly undermining efforts to address climate change by continuing its coal business.
Europe's most polluting coal utility, RWE, is still planning to expand its two open pit coal mines in North Rhine Westphalia.
German utility RWE is Europe’s worst polluter, and one of the biggest threats to the climate and to a fast enough coal phase out on the continent.
Since the start of 2016, 69 coal plants have closed or announced to close in Europe, and a net 31 planned projects have been cancelled.