The State of European Steel Transition

The European steel industry is at a crossroads but that “there is a clear pathway to green steel”.

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Following launch of the report "The State of the European Steel Transition"

Reserve a spot

Behind the mask:


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How new data centres could throw Europe’s energy transition off course

Read our new report

Capacity markets have awarded over €50bn to fossil fuel assets since 2015

— almost triple of that allocated to clean flexibility

Read our new report

More Gas on Borrowed Time

Europe’s Gas Power Plant Overbuild Undermines Climate Credibility

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The UK Exits Coal Power

Ushering in Era of Renewables

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Local Energy Solutions Map

Inspiring renewable energy projects across Europe

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Power Moves and Power Failures

A first assessment of European utilities’ transition plans

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Energising Communities

Transforming Poland's power sector with locally-owned renewables

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To a renewable future

Our vision is of a fair and sustainable, renewables-based European electricity sector that is predominantly powered by wind and solar energy, and free of fossil fuels by 2035. It will supply a nature-friendly energy system that minimises waste, and maximises efficiency through the electrification of heating, industry and transport, the insulation of buildings and the delivery of power via smart technology, providing permanently clean and affordable energy for generations to come.

Beyond coal

How many of Europe’s coal plants have retired since January 2016, and how many are left to go?

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Beyond fossil gas

Explore all of Europe's existing and planned gas power plants

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A power system that works for everyone

This system-wide transformation should be ambitious and fair, protecting people, communities and nature, and result in the dismantling of the fossil fuel industry that drives up costs, fuels armed conflicts, damages our health, undermines democracies, and is responsible for environmental destruction and worsening climate change.

Clean & fair energy

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Re Energising society

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Finance & Corporates

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Clean & fair energy
Clean & fair energy
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Re Energising society
Re Energising society
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Finance & Corporates
Finance & Corporates
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Beyond Fossil Fuels supports and coordinates work with civil society groups working across the European continent, including the European Union, the Western Balkans, Turkey, the UK, Norway, Switzerland, Moldova and Ukraine. Our partners have already had a lot of success moving Europe beyond coal, but there is a lot more to do to speed the transition to a fossil-free, renewables-based European power system by 2035. Together, we have the power to bring this better future forward.