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    You can become a partner if you are representing a group or organisation that is working on the impacts of coal or phasing out fossil fuels in a just and equitable way, or promoting renewable energy sources in wider Europe, UK, Western Balkans or Turkey. Fill in the questionnaire below, and we will send you some details about joining us.

    The Beyond Fossil Fuels campaign consists of over sixty partner organisations from across European civil society. Our vision is of a fair and sustainable, renewables-based European electricity sector that is predominantly powered by wind and solar energy, and free of fossil fuels by 2035.


    Beyond Fossil Fuels supports and coordinates work with civil society groups working across the European continent, including the European Union, the Western Balkans, Turkey, the UK, Norway, Switzerland, Moldova and Ukraine. Our partners have already had a lot of success moving Europe beyond coal, but there is a lot more to do to speed the transition to a fossil-free, renewables-based European power system by 2035. Together, we have the power to bring this better future forward.