CEZ coal phase-out: too slow and selling its responsibility
October 8, 2019 3:40 pmIn the beginning of October 2019, the Czech state-owned utility ČEZ published its plan to exit coal
In the beginning of October 2019, the Czech state-owned utility ČEZ published its plan to exit coal
In its presentation of its coal strategy in October 2019, a representative of CEZ said that it would close several […]
After a marathon 20-hour-long meeting that saw CEO Daniel Benes and his advisors bat away 400 shareholder questions and play down multiple climate activist interruptions, the 2019 AGM of Czech
New boilers to burn biomass and waste at the Prerov combined heat and power plant in Czechia will be built […]
Veolia wants to build a new multi-fuel boiler able to burn coal at the Karvina coal plant in Czechia in […]
The Czechnica coal-fired combined heat and power plant near Wrozlaw in Poland will be replaced by a new gas CHP […]
European coal companies including RWE, EPH, and PGE, continue to push the cost of dirty energy onto society, with air pollution from their coal plants burdening people across Europe with both health problems and billions in costs, according to modelling detailed in a new report.
Der Kohleausstieg ist schon lange ein großes Thema in Deutschland. Wie aber sehen die Kohleausstiegspläne anderer Länder aus?