
Mahi Sideridou

Mahi has led the team since it was set up in 2017. She has twenty years of experience in environmental campaigning and political advocacy, and fifteen years in team coordination and line-management. Mahi has Bachelor’s in Physics and a Master’s on Energy and Environmental Analysis from her studies in Manchester and Boston. She worked for Greenpeace between 2000 and 2015, first as a climate campaigner based in Athens, then moving to Brussels as an EU climate and energy policy director and finally as the European Unit’s managing director. She sat on the board of directors of Climate Action Network Europe for ten years and is currently on the board of Greenpeace Czech Republic. She is based in Aarhus and speaks Greek, English, French and Danish.



Amidst years of legal battles, Poland’s Turów coal mine continues to inflict damage on nearby communities in Germany and Czechia, draining water, damaging peoples’ homes, and destroying the climate.


Turów would avert many disasters by saying goodbye to coal

On 13 March 2024, environmental activists in Poland won a court case against the Turów coal mine. The ruling, handed down by a regional administrative court in Warsaw, invalidated the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) required by PGE, Poland’s largest power producer, to  secure its mining licence until 2044. 


Kathrin Gutmann

Kathrin Gutmann is the Campaign Director of the Europe Beyond Coal Campaign. She led the development of the campaign in her role as coordinator of NGO efforts to phase out coal with the Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe. Kathrin brings with her 20 years of expertise in the field of climate & energy policy and advocacy, international network coordination and campaigning.